Blog #9: Columbus
Blog #9: Columbus
After receiving funds from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
of Spain, Christopher Columbus set sail in 1492. He was searching for India, and was trying to find a route to help bring back goods to Spain. However, 33 days after leaving,
instead of finding a path to India, Columbus reached land in America- the New World. After making landfall, he
influenced both the natives as well as his mother country. He was both
a villain and a hero, but a villain to a greater extent than a
Christopher Columbus was much more of a villain than a hero.
This mainly is because of his treatment of the natives, who he named Indians. His
initial reaction after seeing them for the first time was to make them slaves. Columbus
himself even wrote that “They would make fine servants… With fifty men we could
subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.” He would force them to obtain the amount of wealth he had promised the Spanish government he
had found, and if they couldn’t, they were brutally murdered. They were
mutilated, burned, bled out, hung, or fed to dogs by the Spaniards. Columbus
implemented the Encomienda system, and was so cruel to natives that he even
forced them to carry the Spanish on their backs, making them feel incredibly
low. Also, how Columbus treated the Arawaks (natives of where he landed) led to
the abuse of many other native tribes by European conquerors in the future.
This mistreatment and murdering of hundreds of thousands of Native Americans
demonstrates how, to a greater extent, Columbus was a villain.
On the other hand, Christopher Columbus was also a hero. He
landed in America in 1492, and established a connection between the New World
and the Old World that has been incredibly influential every since. The Columbian Exchange was even named after Columbus, and allowed for the exchange
of crops, goods, and animals for centuries to come. This connection has allowed
for the development of many nations, including America. It is undeniable that
without Christopher Columbus, America would not be where it is today. However, although
Columbus was a hero in that he established a link across the Atlantic, it was
to a much lesser an extent than he was a villain.

Christopher Columbus

Lewis and Clark (synthesis):
Lewis and Clark set out in 1804 to explore the Louisiana
Purchase, recently acquired from France. This was similar to Columbus as they
were exploring for the head of their country (Jefferson).
However, Lewis and Clark had good relations with the natives they encountered,
unlike Columbus, and most likely would not have survived without them.
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