LAD/Blog #23: McKinley's War Message
LAD/Blog #23: McKinley’s War Message
McKinley begins his message by saying it is his right to
address the issue of the Cuban Revolution, which had been going on for three
years. He says that because America is connected with Cuba, they need to take
action. He says that previous neutrality regarding Cuban insurrections has only
led to losses in trade, annoyance of citizens, and “offended the humane
sympathies of our people.” He says that currently because of this predicament,
America’s trade was suffering, capital invested in Cuba was lost, and unrest among
citizens was high; because of these things someone needed to take action. He
says he tried for negotiations with Spain, but they still had too much power. Spain did not want to
grant Cuba independence, so McKinley believed the US getting involved was
justifiable. Some more reasons for this were that the unjust and inhumanity needed
to end, America owed protection to Cuba against oppression, American commerce
was hurt, and American peace was also threatened. McKinley then speaks of the Maine, an American ship that was
destroyed, demonstrating how terrible the situation in Cuba was, and how they
needed to get involved. Finally, he says that if his decision is successful,
his aspirations will be realized, but if it fails, he would be justified.

William McKinley

The building of missile sites in Cuba posed a problem to America. Just like McKinley's War Message states, America was suffering problems due to the issues arising in Cuba, so it was necessary to take action (which was seen in the Cuban Missile Crisis by the blockade).
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