LAD/Blog #21: Emancipation Proclamation
LAD/Blog #21: Emancipation Proclamation
In this proclamation, Lincoln declared that all slaves are
now free. He says the government of the US will recognize/maintain their
freedom, and will do nothing to repress them. He then declares the following
states as rebellious: Arkansas, Texas, (part of) Louisiana, Mississippi,
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and part of
Virginia. He says that all the slaves in these states are now free. Then, he
urges the freed slaves to be non-violent, and suggests they work for wages (and
says some will be taken into the armed service). He ends by saying that he “[invokes]
the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God,”
in making this act.

Emancipation Proclamation

Brown v Board of Education (synthesis)
This court case ruled that racial segregation in public
schools was unconstitutional. It helped in ending segregation, like the
Emancipation Proclamation helped end slavery, and both were very influential in helping their groups gain freedoms/rights.
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